Monday, March 26, 2012

In March, we have been enjoying the wonderful spring weather and many terrific activities!

For St. Patrick's Day, we made shamrock people to hang in our rooms. They have been blowing in the breeze as our window has been open more often then I can ever remember before in March.

We have started our new Science Unit on Motion and Movement. The children are eagerly trying out how good their balance is on a balance beam. Using balance scales was fun too as the children used teddy bears, cubes, and blocks to try to balance items on their scales. They weighed dinosaurs, cars, and markers.
Mariah, Hannah, Lucas, and Jackson on a balance beam

Kaitlyn and Alyssa

Alex, Eli, and Xavier

Brae and Audrey

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Review of Fabulous February

February was such a fabulous month. Here are some of the highlights!

We enjoyed predicting if the groundhog was going to see its shadow or not. At the Milwaukee County Zoo, Gertie the Ground Hog did not see its shadow. So we can expect an early spring! Most of the children predicted  that the ground hog would see its shadow beacause they want more snowy days.

Writing and sharing valentines was great fun!  Our party was amazing, with wonderful treats that were healthy and tasty!

Abe Lincoln did a wonderful presentation. The children asked thoughtful questions!

Abe Lincoln's Presentaton