Friday, April 19, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

We have had an exciting couple of weeks getting ready for our all school Inquiry Fair. Our essential question was: How does the sun and moon affect the Earth?  For our study and research of the solar system, we completed the following projects: wrote post cards to an astronaut, made small rockets out of toilet paper tubes, and completed our research booklets on the sun, moon, or the Earth. It was especially neat when the students painted different size boxes gray to make a large space rocket. Here are some pictures of some our classmates as astronauts.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

We are very busy getting ready for the Inquiry Fair this Thursday April 18th. from 3:45-6:30pm. Our. Inquiry is on the solar system and how the sun and moon effect the earth.

The children were excited to paint some boxes on Friday to create a space rocket.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Welcome Back from Spring Break! I hope everyone had a restful and fun time with family and friends!
I hope that you also did a little reading and practicing those math facts too!

Here's the scoop for this week:

Literacy/Inquiry: We are finishing up with a few projects and getting ready for the Inquiry Fair on Thursday April 18th. There will be a spaghetti dinner that night too. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

 Here are some pictures from Inquiry work and math.

 Math: We're looking for those missing addends and measuring bugs....plastic ones. The children are sorting by color, shape, size, and category.

Writing: The children will write an informational piece about the solar system.

The Easter Bunny hopped into our classroom for a visit right before break.

Important Information about the Inquiry Fair and Spahetti Dinner.
Thursday, April 18th

3:45–6:30 pm

Mitchell Elementary School

10125 Montana Ave.

Please join us for a wonderful

evening as our students display

their final Inquiry Projects!

Also…join us for a Spaghetti Dinner Sponsored by Mitchell’s FACE Committee.

Hope to see you there!