Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

I want to begin by wishing all of my classroom families a wonderful Thanksgiving! This is always such a special time of the year.  Enjoy these days off with your family and friends!

On Monday, we will continue our Inquiry Unit on the Pilgrims, the Native Americans, and the First Thanksgiving. We will be trying some food that the Pilgrims ate: dried beef ( jerky), biscuits, and pomegranate.  We will make our own butter to put on our biscuit by shaking cream in a jar . We will compare a pilgrim child with a child of today on a chart called a Venn diagram.

On Tuesday, we will spend our day in pajamas enjoying "BOOKS". Guest readers, Buddy reading with Ms. Alt's class, reading books on our ipads, and watching a book on a dvd are all the fun activities planned for the day with the focus on READING. Mr. Hill will be reading his favorite book to the whole school in the MPR at 3:00.

Last week, we had our third ACE presentation on the Strings Family of instruments. The children have been working in an Inquiry booklet on the Pilgrims and Native Americans. Here are some pictures from these activities.
ACE Presentation on the Strings Family

Members of the Milwaukee Symphony

Preston sharing his writing and picture

Hope sharing

Addy looking over her work

Story is proud of her work.

Colorful Picture made by Ian

Filip is carefully reading his writing.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

 Our class was very excited at Friday's Fish Meeting to win 3 Golden Awards: Art, Guidance, and Secret Teacher.  That makes 5 Golden Awards that we have earned. So on Monday we will be voting for a special class incentive that we will do this upcoming week!  Way to go kindergarteners!

Here are some of this week learning activities:

Literacy: The children are listening and reading books on their level on RazKids which they can do at home too. On their iPads, they are working on different apps practicing sight words and writing letters.

Math: We are working on correct number formation by reciting rhymes to go with the number. We are doing some adding, comparing numbers, and counting up from a number. During one of their rotations, the children go on Dreambox which you can access at home too.

Inquiry: Our essential question is: Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? We will learn about the Native Americans and the Pilgrims.

Writer's Workshop: We are working on beginning a sentence with a capital letter and putting an end mark.

 Here are some pictures of recent classroom activities.
Veteran's Day -  Ian with his Dad's uniform
Sharing a book about the Marines
Conductor Fransisco
Learning how to conduct
Our Autumn Tree for the Ace Program with Leaves made by our class.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mrs. Richards Reports from Room 137

Monday is Veteran's Day, a special time for us to remember those who have served and died for our country.  Ian will be bringing in some of his Dad's things to talk about and to share with our class.

We have also rescheduled our ACE conductor presentation for this Monday afternoon.

In Literacy, our Guided  Reading groups are actively engaged and doing lots of reading and sharing. The Daily 5 rotations are running smoothly.

In Writer's Workshop, students are working on narrative writing and making lists.

In Math, students are practicing writing and counting numbers. We are comparing using these symbols:  >, =,  and <.

In Inquiry, we are going to begin to answer the question: Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?