Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mrs. Richards Reports

The First Graders really enjoyed their field trip to the Survive Alive House to learn about fire safety. Next year, the kindergarteners will get to go. This week, everyone will have some activities included in their homework folder about fire safety. It's definitely a good review for everyone. Please be extra careful with candles during the holiday season. A lot of fires are started by misuse of candles. With the holiday season starting, the children will be making Christmas stockings for St. Nick's this week and writing Santa with some of their question: "Dear Santa, What do you feed those reindeer any way?" In Math,we are working on place value by counting ones and tens and by naming a number in different ways by using number sentences, tallies, and tens and ones. Touch Math will be introduced as another to count on when adding. In Writer's Workshop, the children will make a list of some of their favorite things. They can choose from this list when writing. Please return your permission slip for the concert practice at Nathan Hale!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mrs. Richards' Reports

Our class election was a lot of fun as the children filled out voter registration cards and then turned them in for ballots so they could vote for their favorite cookie The choices were oreo or chocolate chip. The oreo cookie was the winner!  Everyone got to eat an oreo cookie.  We talked about the fact that sometimes your choice is not the winner in an election, and that's the special part about voting because every vote is important and can change the outcome of an election.  We ended with making a bar graph and answering some questions about the graph.

We began learning about our American symbols: the flag, statue of liberty, liberty bell, bald eagle, and the White House.  Our focus was on the White House as the children painted their own picture of their vision of the White House, and we went to computer lab to look up new learning about it on various websites.

In math, we are working on determining which number is greater when using higher numbers. The students will also be counting and drawing tens and ones for numbers. In our math journal, we are solving word problems using adding/subtraction and explaining our work.

The end of November, the First Graders will be going to the Survive Alive House to learn safety methods to prevent a fire, how to stay calm, and how to evacuate a burning building. They will need to know their address and phone number. Homework will come home this week for them to use so they can practice.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mrs. Richards' Reports

We have been learning about laws and government and what it means to be a good citizen.
Tomorrow will be election day across the country. Everyone will be voting like every good citizen should.
The children in Room 137 will be voting for their favorite cookie choice: oreo or chocolate chip.
We will have a ballot box and ballots. The children will have  to register to vote too.
We must be good citizens.
The children will also learn about our American symbols with our class focus on the White House. It will be a fun week!

In math, we will graph the cookie choice that won after we have made tally marks.
We are also doing a lot of counting in different ways in math and comparing numbers to see which is greater or less than.

I would like to encourage all parents to take a blog survey which will give us your input about our blogs.
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