Monday, November 5, 2012

Mrs. Richards' Reports

We have been learning about laws and government and what it means to be a good citizen.
Tomorrow will be election day across the country. Everyone will be voting like every good citizen should.
The children in Room 137 will be voting for their favorite cookie choice: oreo or chocolate chip.
We will have a ballot box and ballots. The children will have  to register to vote too.
We must be good citizens.
The children will also learn about our American symbols with our class focus on the White House. It will be a fun week!

In math, we will graph the cookie choice that won after we have made tally marks.
We are also doing a lot of counting in different ways in math and comparing numbers to see which is greater or less than.

I would like to encourage all parents to take a blog survey which will give us your input about our blogs.
Here is the survey information. Go to:

Thank You!

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