Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mrs. Richards' Reports

We have had a busy time in Room 137 building our stamina when reading. We're up to at least 15 minutes and we're using good reading strategies everyday by looking at picture clues, reading for meaning, looking for word chunks, and recognizing common sight words. In math, we continue to count on from a higher number, look for tens and ones, and writing number sentences. We are learning about magnets along with Miss Reichert's class. Our students are finding it really interesting! We will continue this inquiry after winter break. The Christmas concert was a huge success. We have been busy getting ready for Christmas too by making special Christmas presents and a tree with a chain to count down until Santa comes. On Thursday, we will celebrate earning five Golden Awards by having a Pajama Day along with watching a movie, eating a gingerbread man, and having hot cocoa. Our Holiday Celebration will be on Friday afternoon. The parents that volunteered to send something for this party have been contacted. The cold weather is fast approaching. We ask parents to dress their youngster as warmly as possible prior to their leaving for school. Even though some children ride the bus to school, they still will be spending a considerable amount of time outdoors on the playground, particularly during the noon hour. Our school district policy states that when it is not raining or when the temperature is 10 degrees or above, pupils are not permitted into the building until the usual time of 8:25 AM (unless they are having breakfast) and 12:45 PM for 4K so be sure to dress your youngster for our Wisconsin winters. On rainy days or when the temperature is below 10 degrees, pupils are permitted to enter the building at 8:15 AM and will spend the noon hour indoors. A red flag will be placed on the doors indicating early entrance due to inclement weather. Please be sure your child has a hat and a pair of mittens. PLEASE LABEL THEIR ITEMS SO IT’S EASIER TO RETURN IF THEY ARE LOST. Please have a Happy, Safe, and Merry Christmas! See you in 2013! Please take the following survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/mitchelltechsurvey

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