Monday, February 18, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Welcome back from a long four day weekend! After our wonderful classroom visit last week with Abraham Lincoln, I decided to go and see the movie, "Lincoln" on Friday afternoon. It was great! Yesterday, on President's Day, teachers were busy attending staff development on various topics to help move students along with their learning.  We learned about some effective ways to teach and guide our math lessons and also the importance of writing everyday. We will be working on narrative, informational, and opinion/persuasive writing.

Literacy/Inquiry: Students are writing information about polar bears. They will be comparing the 3 bears on a Venn Diagram.

Math:  Students are counting the minutes after the hour on a clock. We are also working on missing addends.

Writing: Students will do a writing sample on informational writing by writing about something that they know a lot about.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Hi from Room 137!  What a wonderful time we had sledding on Tuesday. The snow and the temperature was perfect. The children were very excited about earning their 5th. Golden Award which gave them the opportunity to do something special as a class. So, we decided on the sledding since the weather was right for it!  Thank you to Mr. Thakkar, Dhruv's dad for joining us. Here is an update on what's going on this week!

Literacy / Inquiry:  We are reading and learning about brown bears and panda bears. The children are logging new learning, filling out a chart with information, and doing informational writing about these bears. They are doing an amazing job!

Math: We are learning about the parts of an analog clock: the face, minute hand, hour hand, and the numbers.The children are practicing to tell time to the hour and to count the minutes after the hour. Please practice time with the clock in their homework folder.

*  Friday is our 100th. Day of school.  Be sure to send the 100th. Day project and snack for our mix.