Monday, February 18, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Welcome back from a long four day weekend! After our wonderful classroom visit last week with Abraham Lincoln, I decided to go and see the movie, "Lincoln" on Friday afternoon. It was great! Yesterday, on President's Day, teachers were busy attending staff development on various topics to help move students along with their learning.  We learned about some effective ways to teach and guide our math lessons and also the importance of writing everyday. We will be working on narrative, informational, and opinion/persuasive writing.

Literacy/Inquiry: Students are writing information about polar bears. They will be comparing the 3 bears on a Venn Diagram.

Math:  Students are counting the minutes after the hour on a clock. We are also working on missing addends.

Writing: Students will do a writing sample on informational writing by writing about something that they know a lot about.

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