Friday, May 31, 2013

Mrs. Reports from Room 137

Students were engaged in writing their New Learning about different water animals.

These pictures are from Field Day which had to be 
moved to the gym and the field house due to the rainy weather.

The outdoor pictures are from High Interest Day one day later.

Making and eating smores was a nice ending to High Interest Day

Showing off the wind chimes made during High Interest Day

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

What a special week with Field Day on Thursday and High Interest Day on Friday.
The sun came out for High Interest Day....yeah!

Pictures will be coming to highlight these days......

Here's what we've been up to...

Literacy / Inquiry:  We are researching water animals on pebble go.

Math Topics:  fractions, shapes, and subtraction

Writing: Writing letters, making connections to world, and forming opinions

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Thank you Parents for all of the gifts and best wishes for Teacher's Appreciation Week!

What a busy week we had! Here are some highlights!

Our Spring Concert....We were a hit!

Poetry Reading

Author Jackie Cole gave a talk on Friday about her book.
The title of her book is: Blue Moon: A Cat's Wish
It's about a homeless cat.

Planting our Bean Seeds. We are keeping a Learning Log.
Planting our Mother's Day marigolds.

More Pictures with our author!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

MAPS Testing for our classroom is over, and the students took their time and did very well. I'm proud of their accomplishments!

Here is the scoop for this week:

Literacy / Inquiry: We will start our inquiry of animals that live in the water.
                            5K students are being tested with the PALS Kit in reading skills.

Math: Topics.... 2-D and 3-D shapes, Fractions, and graphing

Writing: We are working on writing an opinion and giving good reasons for it.

*  We are working on "being respectful" in the classroom, on the playground, and throughout our school.
    If we show respect and have less behavior referrals, and receive caught ya's, we will earn a PJ Day.

* Due to the "lice" problem, I will be sending home the "art" smocks on Tuesday. Please wash and return it by next Tuesday May 14th. in a zip lock bag with your child's name on the bag written in marker.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mrs. Richards'Reports from Room 137

We have been working hard to prepare for the MAPS testing in Math and Reading.  Today my students brainstormed how "good test takers" get ready for an important test. In small groups, they created posters which we then displayed in the hallway by the lunch room.  We are hoping these posters will help others students to get ready for the test too! 

Bennett, Dominic, Audrey, Hannah

Dhruv, Tyler, Lucas

Jack, Gavin, Jaylen

Students at work on their posters.
Adding more information and good ideas
Cora, Addisen, Isiah