Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

MAPS Testing for our classroom is over, and the students took their time and did very well. I'm proud of their accomplishments!

Here is the scoop for this week:

Literacy / Inquiry: We will start our inquiry of animals that live in the water.
                            5K students are being tested with the PALS Kit in reading skills.

Math: Topics.... 2-D and 3-D shapes, Fractions, and graphing

Writing: We are working on writing an opinion and giving good reasons for it.

*  We are working on "being respectful" in the classroom, on the playground, and throughout our school.
    If we show respect and have less behavior referrals, and receive caught ya's, we will earn a PJ Day.

* Due to the "lice" problem, I will be sending home the "art" smocks on Tuesday. Please wash and return it by next Tuesday May 14th. in a zip lock bag with your child's name on the bag written in marker.

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