Sunday, December 1, 2013

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! Hope you had a great time with family and friends!

There are a lot of fun things planned for this week. We will finish off our inquiry on the Pilgrims and Native Americans and move onto how other cultures/countries celebrate the holidays. We will also talk about the needs/wants of the pilgrims and compare them with ours. We have our last ACE presentation on Thursday about Modern Day Music. In Math, we will be working on counting up from a number, counting tens and ones, and adding ones to a ten.

Here are some pictures from last week!
This is Venn Diagram comparing things from the time of the pilgrims and now.
A Venn Diagram showing who liked biscuits, salted beef, and homemade butter.

We are thankful for Story's Grandpa reading to us!

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