Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Students were using force (air) to blow a cotton ball

Evan is using force to fling a cotton ball with a plastic spoon

Students are sorting pictures:  PUSH or PULL
MAPS Testing starts this week.  Reading will be Monday morning with Math on another day.
Please be sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast. You can send an extra snack to eat.  :)

In math, we are working on addition and subtraction, missing addends, and fact families. We are using number lines and unifix cubes as counters.

We will begin our next inquiry on PLANTS. Please send in empty 2 liter clear soda bottles for our project.

Amaya showing her Inquiry Log Booklet

Students working in small groups on their Inquiry Log Books

Students perform a science word

Experiments with Grandpa

Using Ramps to Show How Gravity Pulls Objects

Making Tissue Flower Buds for our Spring Trees

Braeden showing his Spring Flower Bud

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