Monday, May 26, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Graduates of 2026

 Welcome back! Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend! The weather sure was wonderful!
On Friday we had a great presentation on plants given by the Schlitz Audobon Nature Center. The children had a nice review of what they had learned in class, and the presenter gave them some new information too.  Everyone was engaged and given the opportunity to help the presenter.

We will go to the library for the last time on Wednesday so please return books.

On Friday, we will have High Interest Day. The children will have the opportunity to go to different workshops throughout the day. It is really a fun day for the children. The children can either order a bag lunch from school or bring their own bag lunch.

Pajama Day and Ice Cream Sundaes

Stuffed Animals visit for 10 Caughtyas

We like our Minecraft Hat!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mrs. Richards Reports from Room 137

 It's been an exciting couple of weeks for my kindergarteners.... The future Graduates of 2026.

The Spring Concert was amazing! My 5K students were well behaved and sang with a lot of enthusiasm which showed that they really enjoyed the music!
It was wonderful to see so many of my students and their parents/families at our Inquiry/Conference night last Monday. I enjoyed listening to your child explain and talk about their plant projects as they checked off their sheet on their clip board.
Awesome job kindergarteners in Room 137!
Here are some before concert pictures.

Hope Kennedy sharing her plant project

Brady Glomski reads his Inquiry Log Booklet

Evan shares his new learning about plants

Micala is checking off her list

Kaleigh is ready to take her marigold and terrarium home

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Kindergarten Room 137 is the Graduating class of 2026!     Yeah!!!!

The Inquiry Fair and student led conference will be this Monday May 12 from 4-7:00pm.
The children will lead the conference by showing their parents their inquiry project and explain what they have learned.
The Book Fair will also be going on in the library, and there will be a Cook Out.
Your child can take home their project that night.
They are very excited about that!     I hope to see everyone at the Inquiry Fair!
Below are some pictures of the children working on their projects.
Braeden and Austin putting dirt in their container

Adding Dirt

Amaya and Yazmine getting ready for Plants

First the gravel, Then the dirt
Braeden found a Worm in his Dirt

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Do you realize that this kindergarten class will be the Graduates of the Year 2026?

Yeah....Room 137......   Graduates of 2026.....  :)

We certainly have a lot of fun things going on this week.

Rehearsals  will be on Monday and Tuesday morning to get ready for our Spring concert on Wednesday. The concert is Wednesday night 6:0-7pm. Children should dress in beach attire.

We are working hard on our plant projects to get ready for Inquiry Night on Monday May 12 from 4:00-7pm. The Book Fair is also going on all week during the day and during the Inquiry Night.
We also have a Coin Challenge going on to raise money for our classroom libraries. Our class is on Mr. Hill's team along with other classrooms. If we win and raise more money, Mr. Sayeg will have to go in the dunk tank during High Interest Day. If we lose, Mr. Hill will have to go in the tank.
Please help us raise money for our classroom libraries!
Hanging our Spring Flower buds on our ACE Community Tree

Class Picture with our ACE Community Tree

Our Spring Trees

Hope and Evan sharing their Journals

Micala and Amaya labeled a picture about skunks

Story and Mikayla created a web about what a dentist does