Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mrs. Richards Reports from Room 137

 It's been an exciting couple of weeks for my kindergarteners.... The future Graduates of 2026.

The Spring Concert was amazing! My 5K students were well behaved and sang with a lot of enthusiasm which showed that they really enjoyed the music!
It was wonderful to see so many of my students and their parents/families at our Inquiry/Conference night last Monday. I enjoyed listening to your child explain and talk about their plant projects as they checked off their sheet on their clip board.
Awesome job kindergarteners in Room 137!
Here are some before concert pictures.

Hope Kennedy sharing her plant project

Brady Glomski reads his Inquiry Log Booklet

Evan shares his new learning about plants

Micala is checking off her list

Kaleigh is ready to take her marigold and terrarium home

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