Sunday, June 1, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Graduates of 2026

High Interest Day was a huge success!  The weather was perfect and the children had a wonderful variety of activities to try out. The children will choose one of the High Interest activities to write an opinion about on Monday.

We will turn in our books this week. There is NO more library check out for the year. Please try to get all books returned this week! Thank You!

We have some great activities coming up for the next couple of weeks: Ms. Kitty, a dental hygienist, will be with our kindergarteners on Monday for a dental health program. She will be sending home a new toothbrush. On Wednesday, Ms. Nikki, a florist will do a presentation on how to take care of  flowers.
Thursday is Field Day! The Talent Show is Monday June 9 at 1:30. Parents are welcome.
Grandpa is coming back to do some outside science experiments on Tuesday June 10th. with the All School Picnic starting at Lunch Time.
 An Ambulance with Paramedics
Here are some pictures from High Interest Day!

Bowing to the Takwondo Instructor

Making T-Shirts

Gymnastic Exercise

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