Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

My students led the Fish meeting on Friday and did a great job. They received many compliments from other teachers. We also received a Golden Lunch award which means we have 10 Golden awards and can pick a fun  classroom activity. My students want to go sledding so I will be sending home a permission slip to go sledding the next time that we have snow and, of course, when it's a bit warmer. We have sleds at school and a wonderful hill behind school. I did this with my class last year, and we had a blast!  Parents are welcome to come too. I'll let you know when it happens.

Here are some of the topics we are learning.
Literacy: All guided reading groups are working on sounding out words that they don't know when reading, to look for chunks of letters, and to look for little words inside big words.
Math:  We are learning to add by jumping forward on the number line.
Inquiry: We are learning about nutrition and the healthy plate, which has replaced the Food Pyramid.

Upcoming Important Events: February 6 ACE Family Concert at 6:00 pm. will be held in our gym. It will be about an hour long. Please bring the entire family to be a part of the audience for this wonderful presentation. The kindergarteners are a part of this program this year and will continue to be a part of it for the next 4 years as the program moves forward to include other grades until the whole school is  a part of this program. Hope to see all of you at the concert!

6 Flags Great America Read to Suceed ends Thursday Feb. 6th.. Please return your form by that date to insure getting your ticket.

There has been so many fun and exciting things happening each week at school. Here are some highlights with pictures.

Mrs. Reis, Ladybug Girl read us her book on Character Day.

Book Characters in Room 137

We are the Blue Team showing Respect, Friendship, and Excellence!

Ian read a book about "Dream Catchers" and helped small groups make one.

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