Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mrs. Richards Reports from Room 137

Some Important Highlights and reminders for this week

***  Tuesday and Thursday ...  MAPS TESTING in the morning!  
                  Get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast!

***  Thursday Feb. 6 ACE Family Concert Night 6-7:00 pm in the gym
  I really hope you bring your family to hear members of the Milwaukee Symphony play for US!
         6 Flags Great America reading forms are due. You may log your RazKids reading too!

***  Mon. Feb. 10  Bring a shoe box or an empty tissue box to make a valentine mailbox at school.

*** NO HOME AND BACK BAGS this week!  HOMEWORK is your 100 DAY project and writing out Valentines!

***  Please go to Signupgenius to chaperone our class at the Pettit on February 12.

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