Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

On our 100th. Day, we celebrated with sharing our projects, making crowns, and by doing some counting, graphing, and writing activities.

On Wednesday, we will be going to the Art Museum. The children will be working with different colors and materials to create seasonal works of art. We are connecting this to the  ACE Program. The children will also take a tour with a docent. Please send a cold lunch to eat when we return to school. We are really looking forward to this experience. We have been learning and moving to the ACE music. Please send an empty paper towel roll so we can make rain sticks.

Making Our 100 Day Crowns

Counting by Tens

100 Day Projects

50 inch snakes

We are learning about George Washington and his 3-Corner hat.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

Sharing our Valentines
We earned 5 Golden Awards to go sledding!
Ice Skating at the Pettit
Way to go Ice Skating Buddies

Busy adding using number lines.
YES!  We have made it! Tuesday is our 100th. Day of School!
The children are very excited about it! We are going to try to do some things the 100 Day Way!!!!

Hopefully, everyone received the email about sending a snack... Counting out 100 pieces of a snack food to share with the class. Each child will be able to come and pour their snack into a bowl for us to mix into a class snack to share as a community.  Looking back at last week. We had a great week with our ice skating and sledding.       
Addition using Number Lines

ACE Family Concert On Thursday Feb. 6 was great!
Evan and Maksim working on a Scribble Press story.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

We have an exciting week ahead! Here are some of the important details!

****  Pettit Ice Skating is Wednesday morning. We leave school at 9:30 and return by noon.
Please send 2 SNACKS..... one to eat at the Pettit and one for the afternoon. The children need to dress warm because it is cold in the Pettit. Be sure to have longer socks on that go up the leg and really cover the ankles so your feet won't hurt. We will be back to school in time for hot lunch so you can still buy your lunch if you want.

****  Valentine's Day Celebration will be on Thursday. Please have your shoe box/empty tissue box at school by Wednesday. We are going to enjoy decorating them in the afternoon.  Don't forget your valentines on Thursday.

****  No Home and Back bags until next week. Your homework is writing valentines and completing the 100 Day project.

****  We are going to make a 100 Day Trail Mix snack for the 100th. Day which is Tuesday Feb. 18th.
I will send a note home explaining this snack.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mrs. Richards Reports from Room 137

Some Important Highlights and reminders for this week

***  Tuesday and Thursday ...  MAPS TESTING in the morning!  
                  Get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast!

***  Thursday Feb. 6 ACE Family Concert Night 6-7:00 pm in the gym
  I really hope you bring your family to hear members of the Milwaukee Symphony play for US!
         6 Flags Great America reading forms are due. You may log your RazKids reading too!

***  Mon. Feb. 10  Bring a shoe box or an empty tissue box to make a valentine mailbox at school.

*** NO HOME AND BACK BAGS this week!  HOMEWORK is your 100 DAY project and writing out Valentines!

***  Please go to Signupgenius to chaperone our class at the Pettit on February 12.