Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

We have an exciting week ahead! Here are some of the important details!

****  Pettit Ice Skating is Wednesday morning. We leave school at 9:30 and return by noon.
Please send 2 SNACKS..... one to eat at the Pettit and one for the afternoon. The children need to dress warm because it is cold in the Pettit. Be sure to have longer socks on that go up the leg and really cover the ankles so your feet won't hurt. We will be back to school in time for hot lunch so you can still buy your lunch if you want.

****  Valentine's Day Celebration will be on Thursday. Please have your shoe box/empty tissue box at school by Wednesday. We are going to enjoy decorating them in the afternoon.  Don't forget your valentines on Thursday.

****  No Home and Back bags until next week. Your homework is writing valentines and completing the 100 Day project.

****  We are going to make a 100 Day Trail Mix snack for the 100th. Day which is Tuesday Feb. 18th.
I will send a note home explaining this snack.

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