Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's October!

Hi Parents and Students in Room 137,

We are entering our first week of October by celebrating Rolin's birthday. Happy Birthday Rolin!
It was great fun at our Mitchell in Motion all school fundraiser. Everyone in our classroom got to participate because they brought in their permission slip signed. The blue shirts are your child's gift from the PTA.
The weather was beautiful, the children had fun at each of the events, and we ended with an all school picture!
Be sure to look for it on our school website in the future!

This is an update on what our school week will look like. The children have learned all five of the components for our Literacy Daily 5, so this week they will be able to choose some of their rotations that they can go to.
In Math, we are working on counting up from a given number, writing numbers, and making jumps on a number line to form addition and subtraction number sentences.

We will be doing a mini-inquiry unit on trees and leaves as living / nonliving things. The leaves sure look beautiful now with all of the fall colors.

A Monthly Behavior Calendar will be in your child's folder for you to sign and to take note of what color your child ended the day on. Please be sure to check the calendar, sign it, and discuss positively!

We're off to a wonderful week!

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