Sunday, September 9, 2012

News for Sept.10, 2012

September 10, 2012

We’re off to a great start in our 5K/1 combination classroom.  During the Daily 5, students will work on building stamina during Read to Self and practice Reading with a Buddy.  We also begin our mini lessons using the Reading Wall.  We will do a mini-inquiry unit on hot air balloons. We certainly will have to investigate the big hot air balloon rally in New Mexico which is coming up in October.  In Math, we will begin our study of Geometric shapes as the students move to various stations focusing on shapes and numbers.  Last week, we enjoyed reading books about pirates and their “stinky fish” behavior. We compared it to “good fish” behavior. The children made pirate hats and telescopes to spy for “good fish behavior”.

Our Specials Schedule

Phy. Ed.           Monday and Wednesday          Teacher:   Mrs. Cardwell
Art                   Tuesday                                    Teacher:   Mrs. Landowski
Guidance          Wednesday and Friday            Teachers:  Mr. Taube and Ms. Tupy
Music               Tuesday and Friday                 Teacher:    Mr. Buck
Library             Thursday

*  Please consider participating in our school fundraiser that came home on Friday!

Starting the Week of September 17. please check the Mitchell website for my newsletter in the classroom blog for Mrs. Richards.  Send me a note if you don’t have the internet!

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