Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome Back Newsletter

It was so nice to meet all of the parents and children at the “Meet and Greet” last Thursday. Everyone is so excited for school to begin!  It will be an exciting year filled with a lot of learning and fun activities to engage all students.
          This week we will spend time getting to know each other and making friends. The children will learn about the Fish Program, and a letter explaining it will also come home to parents. We will have an all school “Fish” kickoff   assembly on Friday morning at 8:45. We will have a Fish assembly every week at the same time.
          For our Literacy during Daily 5, we will be working on building stamina when Reading to Self. The children will learn to pick ‘just fit’ books and how they can read the pictures, read the words, or retell the story when reading.
          In Math, the children will explore math manipulatives and learn some independent math games using dice, dominoes, and playing cards. We will be working on writing numbers, counting, and number operations.

Reminders for this week:

PIN night is Thurs. Sept. 6   
                                5:30 – 8:00pm.  Parents only!

Show and Tell on Friday Sept. 7   This is a one time only!
          Each child can bring one item for Show and Tell.  Help your child pick something that is important to them and that they can talk about.   It must fit in the gallon size ziplock bag that is being sent home.

Physical  Education Days:  Mondays and Wednesdays
·       Be sure to either wear or have gym shoes on those days!

Mrs. Richards     phone number:  604-4500  ext.1513

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