Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mrs. Richards' Reports from Room 137

It is September 24 and our final week of this month already. We are onto Fall so make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather!  On Friday, we completed our MAPS Test in Math, and the children really worked hard. This week we will do the Reading Test. Please be sure that your child is at school on Friday for the test. Our class has been doing the Daily 5 Literacy and Words Their Way with Miss Reichert's classroom for a couple of weeks already. The children are up to reading 11 minutes for Read to Self. That's amazing!  Please encourage nightly reading at home too! This week we will be practicing how to do Word Work as a part of our Daily 5 rotations.  Our class will also be teaming up with Miss Reichert's for Math this week! Our math unit is writing numbers and using the number line to add and subtract.  We will do an inquiry on Johnny Appleseed and apples.

Friday is our first ever fundraiser called, "Mitchell in Motion". You do not have to send money if you don't want to.  You can still participate.  We do need your signed permission slip though, so please return that as soon as possible so your child can get in on the fun on Friday!

This is a message from the office.  If your child is going to be out from school or leave early, please be sure that you send a note or call the office.

We have an afternoon snack every day. Please send a healthy snack like cheese, crackers, fruit, veggies...
No chips, cookies, or sugary treats!

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